Zombie Panic! Source (ZPS) is a cooperative survival horror Half-Life 2 Modification, the sequel to the popular Half-Life Modification "Zombie Panic". As a member of a party of survivors you find yourself without provisions or any military support. Fending off the undead has never been more difficult, but with a large variety of fire arms, explosives, and unique items, the task is not impossible.
On Nov 16th, 2004, Valve released a sequel to their most acclaimed franchise Half-Life 2. Debuting their latest engine technology: Source ® - founding the path to innumerous creation of community mods since. The former Zombie Panic Team didn't waste the opportunity and began the work on their sequel, using the Half-Life 2's Source Engine […]
We're shipping a small update today containing bugfixes reported by the community from previous patch, few Angelscript additions and other miscs. Full details in the patch notes below:ChangelogAngelscript Added "Utils.RemoveImage". Fixed "Globals.SetAutoBalanceBlocked(bool)" not working in Objective maps.Characters Fixed missing texture on Paul Zombie's viewmodel arms.Client Added checks to prevent changes to DirectX levels. Fixed a […]
Hello everyone!We're bringing you another series of community gamenight events, but this time on both Zombie Panic 1 and Zombie Panic! Source on July 6th and 13rd. We're partnering with LambdaGeneration platform[community.lambdageneration.com] who will be hosting and streaming the 'Zombie Night Month' where every Saturday of July there will be a gamenight event with the […]
Hey everyone!Today, we're bringing some interesting changes to the game focused heavily on weapon balance tweaks, additional entities for mappers, Angelscript improvements, map adjustments, bug fixes as usual and other miscellaneous fixes. Two maps in question, Harvest and Frozenheart, got some deserved love after all this time. On Harvest, we're letting Survivors go outside of […]
On November 19th, 1998, Valve debuted with the release of their first revolutionary shooter Half-Life. Since then, the modding community has released lots of memorable HL1 mods - one of them being the old gem Zombie Panic 1, released on Halloween 2004 by the former Zombie Panic Team.We'd like to celebrate this special date with […]
We're releasing a very small patch today, focused mostly on code cleanup, few UI fixes, supershorty reload animation changes and other bugfixes as usual. Full details below:ChangelogAngelscript Added "CBaseEntity@ CZP_Player.GetInfectedBy()[api.zombiepanicsource.com]" method which returns the entity that infected this player. Fixed weapons never calling the "OnEntityUsed[api.zombiepanicsource.com]" forward.Entities Fixed "func_clip_vphysics" broken "start disabled" key/value pair. Fixed weapons […]
We're shipping a small patch today containing game performance tweaks, client and server crash fixes, game rules changes for server admins/mods, minor weapon adjustments, and other bugfixes as usual. ChangelogAdministration System Added an exception for basic administrators (and higher privileges) to the anti-Zombie skipping system. This allows said administrators to switch from game to Spectators […]
Happy New Year folks!We hope you had a great 2022 and have been enjoying the v3.2.5 update so far! Today we'd like to commemorate a special day (12-28-2022) when ZPS turned 15 years old! What started as a simple HL2 modification, ported to a standalone game and now we have a sequel in the works! […]