Map Summary: One ring. Fight to the Death. This is a deathmatch map that offers quick down and dirty “fightclub” style action.
Zombielle is an innovative and extremely creative mapper. Her ability to take concepts and materialize them in a fun and realistic manner is spectacular. She successfully took dR. Vodker’s Zombie Panic! Source Deathmatch (DM) based maps and ushered in a wide variety of very creative and exciting DeathMatch maps. She is a vital contributor to the Zombie Gaming Community as both an Administrator and a Mapper. [ZG] features Zombielle’s maps on their Official Zombie Panic Deathmatch Server. Zombielle is also a playtester for the Zombie Panic development team who has made many contributions to the community. We are proud to have Zombielle a part of our team.
Map Type:
Last Release Date:
Death Match