DrLeonSisk's profile was updated 4 years, 2 months ago
DrLeonSisk gained a new rank 7 years, 8 months ago
I was just promoted to the rank of Private First Class
DrLeonSisk replied to the topic RIP George A. Romero in the forum Zombie Themed Movies Discussion 7 years, 8 months ago
Been watching a couple zed films in the meantime. Dawn of the Dead from 1978 currently. Not really a fan of all the people prodding the “hope he doesn’t come back as a zombie” jokes.
DrLeonSisk's profile was updated 8 years ago
DrLeonSisk started the topic Good evening, Leon here in the forum New Player Forum 8 years ago
Well its the dawn of a new website and look for ZG and it looks pretty spiffy. A bit white and bright on my eyes, but then again I’m used to the dark background of Firefox’s reader view while reading Chinese/Korean/Japanese web novels.
Well, i know I’m not really a ‘new’ player in ZG (though a mostly absent one *cough*) I only really played NMRIH…[Read more]
DrLeonSisk started the topic Good evening, Leon here in the forum New Player Forum 8 years ago
Well its the dawn of a new website and look for ZG and it looks pretty spiffy. A bit white and bright on my eyes, but then again I’m used to the dark background of Firefox’s reader view while reading Chinese/Korean/Japanese web novels.
Well, i know I’m not really a ‘new’ player in ZG (though a mostly absent one *cough*) I only really played NMRIH…[Read more]
DrLeonSisk started the topic Good evening, Leon here in the forum New Player Forum 8 years ago
Well its the dawn of a new website and look for ZG and it looks pretty spiffy. A bit white and bright on my eyes, but then again I’m used to the dark background of Firefox’s reader view while reading Chinese/Korean/Japanese web novels.
Well, i know I’m not really a ‘new’ player in ZG (though a mostly absent one *cough*) But i do try to post any…[Read more]
Leon gained a new rank 8 years ago
I was just promoted to the rank of Private 2nd Class
Leon gained a new rank 8 years ago
I was just promoted to the rank of Private
DrLeonSisk changed their profile picture 8 years ago
DrLeonSisk became a registered member 8 years ago