Good evening, Leon here

Forums Community & Hosted Server Forums New Player Forum Good evening, Leon here

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      • @drleonsisk

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      Well its the dawn of a new website and look for ZG and it looks pretty spiffy. A bit white and bright on my eyes, but then again I’m used to the dark background of Firefox’s reader view while reading Chinese/Korean/Japanese web novels.

      Well, i know I’m not really a ‘new’ player in ZG (though a mostly absent one *cough*) I only really played NMRIH and Contagion. Never touched ZPS nor H1Z1, which locked me into two sections of the site in a sense. But i do try to post any related news when i come across it if it is concerning No More Room in Hell or Contagion. Contagion sure was nice wasn’t it. NMRIH was rough around the edges and i felt Contagion felt like a smoother game play experience. But that’s me rambling.

      If you need to get a hold of me for some reason, you can find me easily on steam using my name on the forum.

      And since this is a zombie forum i might as well shill a damn great zombie Audio Drama “We’re Alive”
      Seriously give it a try, it is a really great listen. Great performances and sound effects.

      • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by DrLeonSisk.
      • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by DrLeonSisk.
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        You never touched ZPS?!?! Thought I saw someone around with that name in zps. Well I wanna get into NMRIH but their game play is too complicated for me, I guess I got to get use to it some how. :p

        Thanks for joining the new website, Cya around!

        CPT QuaG
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          We will make you a ZPS player Doc, especially with the new release coming out! Thanks for sharing the Zombie Audio Drama! Very cool.

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