Just going to drop my ideas for the future servers after the 3.0 update gets released.
Server #1 (Currently a 24/7 Mall Maps)
– To continue hosting this server. (Obviously)
– First those maps might need to be compiled to the new engine, I’ll be compiling some if not most of the requested ones.
– Keep the spray plugin.
– Continue having Friendly fire enabled.
– Contribute on developing new mall maps or remaster the old potato looking mall maps.
Server #2 (Currently a 24/7 Death Match |OFFLINE|)
– Replace this game mode to a Stock map only server.
– Add the spray plugin.
– Having Friendly fire on might be an issue, disable it?
– No admin abuse Tuesday on this server. (If its still part of ZG)
– Keep it original, no nasty custom maps!
If Server #2 doesn’t succeed as planned then hopes are that DR. Vodker will update his death match maps.
So this is basically my suggestions for the future of the Zombie Gaming servers. Not requesting a forced change but I’d like to see it happened. Last but not least the Zombie Gaming Community needs a new head admin.
What are your thoughts for the future servers?
Make ZG great again! 🙂
Thanks for reading!