Forums › Help and Support › Technical Support › Random Forum Error.
In replying to a thread and/or starting a new one, I am randomly seeing:
A refresh seems to work most times. No big whoop, but thought I’d pass it along in case it helps.
Hey thanks Rivet. What browser are you using? Firefox works the best for me for posting on this website.
Thanks for the note. I am using Chrome at the present. Version 28.0.1500.95 m, in case it helps.
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I’m using Chrome as well, and I also get that error. It usually happens when I take too long to write a post before hitting “submit”
I have some other reports of users having issues with Chrome and the website. . . definitely try using Firefox and see if you are still getting errors. I made some changes, let me know if that helps!
I use Firefox and I’ve never had an issue.
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