I have been thinking, since the new community – Zombie Gaming, is growing up too fast, we could start a new way to select some moderators and administrators of the group and put them on a specif game area and some “Ranks” for this improvements changes.
First, my suggestion is: separate each “admins” of the servers, check which games and mods they usually play more and which are their favorite game/mod, and put them on a specif group of that game area. With this, that person will administrate that game area for the community and keeps things rolling and working, listening the players suggestions and questions and trying many ways to keep bringing new players for our community. Then, he would be the “Administrator” of that game area, and he will have his “Team” – Moderators and Super Moderators, with admin powers but with some limited powers.
Currently, Zombie Gaming have ZPS, NMRiH, L4D2, DayZ/WarZ and a TS3, and Contagion soon. So, we would have Quag as out Super Admin/Owner, a Head Admin to control the 5 game areas and the new 5 Administrators of each game – that i have mentioned above – our Moderators and Super Moderators for each game area that they would like to work and keep the servers “playable” for everyone and rules up with specific admins powers limited.
I’m still making a plan and thinking how this would work and have a conversation with Quag about this, and maybe would help a lot the community and have an excellent organization!
Thank you for your time!!