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    • @zombielle
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    You should know your facts before posting.
    VAC does not work for ZPS.
    “you banned him because youre scared you’re gonna lose your admin”
    “you banned him because youre scared you’re gonna lose your admin”
    Read that quote as many times as you want. That makes no sense.
    Why would I ban someone If I’m scared to lose admin? Wouldn’t that cause more drama? I could care less If it does I’m a admin I have to do my job. He got caught, too bad. (Plus he has a VAC ban on record) Ouch.
    For the Mic Spam I warned him to stop, with my extra account not being a admin. He typed !ADMINS to see if there was anyone online and he didnt see any admin on so he decided to Spam again. I said “Im no longer going to put up with you”. I JOINED with the [ZG] Zombielle account and he STOPPED spamming.

    For the Russian “bruping” into the mic I was afk, I do stuff around the house randomly not always 24/7 on my computer.
    You said I’m probably going to ban you for your criticism? Why? Its your right to speak your thoughts.
    I will have to ban/kick you If bring drama or not following the rules into the ZG servers.

    Just doing my job.

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