MMNB Head Admin Voting

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    • @zyx78boy

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    I believe it’s a little disorganized. I think next time we do something like this, instead of people randomly nominating multiple people. We should first let people (admins) who want the position say ”I want to run” give it a few days for this to happen. This spend a few more days letting players and other admins vote. Everybody gets only ONE vote. So, if you put it all togethe, It would run like this:

    December 1-4: 3 different admins run for head. This people are DarkReaper911, Caxxycats, and finally, XxxNeedleDrillerxxX.

    December 5-8: Voting happens, DarkReaper gets 8 votes, NeedleDriller gets 3, and Caxxy gets only 1.

    December 9: The current head, OneFJef, steps down, and DarkReaper is now the new head.

    I think this is more organized, and somewhat less confusing. The nomination thread had a lot of double voting. So I hope this will fix that.




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