Zombie Vampire Clowns Wreak Havoc In Hilarious Horror Comedy You Can Stream Now – Giant Freakin Robot

Zombie Vampire Clowns Wreak Havoc In Hilarious Horror Comedy You Can Stream Now – Giant Freakin Robot

The delivery men inadvertently deliver Blimpo’s corpse to the wrong address, thus introducing The Night Watchmen’s primary antagonist … a clown that was bitten by a vampire.

Thinking nothing of it, the security guards let the delivery men leave the coffin in the warehouse in exchange for a bag of marijuana, as well as a promise that they’ll pick up the coffin in the morning and deliver it to the correct address. As luck may have it, Blimpo is let loose, and starts biting everybody he can sink his teeth into, causing a chain reaction that turns most of the newspaper’s staff into a ravenously hungry horde of vampires looking for blood.

Armed with toilet plungers, Justin’s drumsticks, a large bag of pot, and a meatball sub for self-defense (there’s garlic in it), the night watchmen get to work fighting off the undead with the help of Karen (Kara Luiz), a tabloid reporter who also works the overnight shift.

This post was originally published on this site

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