Tomgreen replied to the topic Zombie Mutation General Help in the forum
Zombie Mutation 6 years, 11 months ago
Zombie Mutationg Gmod is opening beta tonight likely. Here is the steamgroup if you want more info on the mod https://steamcommunity.com/groups/zombiemutationgmod and here
is going to be the beta server ip if you want to join (requires css) .Hope you guys enjoy it, we worked hard on this!
Tomgreen posted an update in the group
Zombie Mutation 7 years ago
Hey it’ll be in playable beta soon join this steamgroup if you want the exact second the server goes live for the beta http://steamcommunity.com/groups/zombiemutationgmod Feel free to invite your friends always could use more players!
Tomgreen joined the group
Zombie Mutation 7 years ago
CPT QuaG joined the group
Zombie Mutation 7 years ago
Zombie Gaming created the group
Zombie Mutation 7 years ago