
Forums Game Forums Zombie Panic Source zps_MonroevilleMall_b_1

  • This topic has 6 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Wickk.
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  • #31267
    CPT QuaG
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      • @cpt-quag
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      Wickk you have done it again.  Great first stab at the Monroeville Mall.  This thread will serve as community feedback so that  you can continue to improve on this outstanding map.  Please note that the floor plan for the Monroeville Mall can be found on our website here if you need to reference it:


      Recommendations for the next Beta:

      1. Add ZG Logo to different parts of the Mall (That is obvious)
      2. Consider gun store much like the one that is used in the beginning of Shreddingfield (remove second gun store).  Most guns to be found there.  Should be hard to break into store
      3. Consider a movie theater much like what is used in zps/zpo_reconciliation
      4. Consider outside background to be filled out like zps_fallingcity
      5. Consider using some textures from Chimes of Doom
      6. Consider expanding top venting to allow for zombie spawns to hit anywhere on top floor of mall
      7. Consider using actual store logos (Apple, Best Buy, Gap, etc)
      8. Fix doors so they open better

      That is a very rough list.  More to come very soon.  Keep up the outstanding work Wickk!

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        • @wickk

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        I was working on themap today, I fixed the doors and added the ZG logo. There is also more sound and a few breakable gates with buttons controling their movement. Some stores have logos but more are needed. I reviewed the zombie spawns and will need to think about them more before I change them around. I added a ton new spawns for items. I fixed a few various bugs that were just anoying. Something to add to the list above; I want to rework the lobby.  Something to note: the map is so big it’s literally hitting the limits of the compiler in both entities and brushes so adding large areas like the theater and an outside are all but out of the question. Not to say something like falling city won’t be done; just something like a walk around area can’t be. You’ll see it, you just can’t go there. Last bit, this is most likely one of the best maps to use when holding a full server and may only work with something close.

        EDIT: Oh! And I reworked all the lighting, they were much too bright and hurt the eyes in smaller rooms. They will need to be tweeked but they are fine for now.

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          • @tabajara

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          The concept is good, just i think need lot of work on the details because there’re a lack of empty rooms/areas or with few props or wrong props on their location.

          Of course, optimization is needed, low FPS in some places.

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            • @mcgsceffaawhetjh55555

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            I missed everything during my celebration of Chinese New Year…great.

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              • @wickk

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              B2 will be done later today

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                • @wickk

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                Notes for b2,

                To do:

                Adjust lighting

                change soundscape

                optimize more

                update lobby

                update skybox


                spawns closer to ground, almost no items on ground, JC Penny stairs remade, lighting adjusted, new gates around, sounds added, 3D skybox added, gates breakable, more props added, some optimization added,  various changes i brushwork, ZG symbol added, some textures changed, more weapons added, and a few more bits that I can’t recall. ! AND DOORS FIXED !

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                  • @wickk

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                  I’m sure more things will come up for the “To do” section but that’s all I have written down at the moment.

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