Forums › Main › Map Requests › Return of the Lake Maps
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So since we are no longer the “Monroeville Mall Gaming Community”, does that mean we get to see the Loch Ness Zombies again? I’m saying bring lake maps back please and thank you. All the lake maps. All of them.
We potentially could set up a ZPS East Coast server to be everything ZPS and our West Coast Server to be focused on mall maps. Thoughts?
I actually like that idea myself, Quag.
I thought that since we’re now just “Zombie Gaming” we don’t have to specialize in mall maps. Now it could just be the best of the best.
Anybody else want another ZPS server with all of the lake maps? I want to get some more support before I stand up another server. . . .
I just meant add all of the lake maps to the current server, not make another one…
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