I heard that someone wanted a gmod server, I can provide that, I have a server that has 6 gigs of ram and gets 50 mb/s dl speed and at least 20 mb/s upload. Fastdl is a problem for me so if anyone can assist with that I would really apreciate it. So just let me know if this is something i should do.
So i think it is a great idea. The FASTDL server can be provided by MMNB (we have our own). Just let me know what maps to host on the FastDL server. Follow the same naming standard as all the other servers. Let me know if that makes sense.
Use (MMNB.org) as part of the title, it will then be in line with the other servers, you can see the summary on our main website of the different servers. We will need to get it set up on Gametracker, I can help with that as well. I am pretty sure GMOD uses sourcemod. I can send you the sourcemod files to use for this.