My PC is being a moron

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  • #30161
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      • @shifty

        No Achievements Yet!

      ONCE AGAIN I have encountered something that prevents me from being able to join you all in the servers. This time it’s computer related, as opposed to illness. I’ve got an issue with my PC, it seems to think I’m holding down the right arrow key at all times, and you can only guess the amount of problems it’s causing me. I’ve tried using a program that allows me to remap my keyboard, but it doesnt work once I launch a game of any kind. NOW BEFORE you say it, I’ve already tried a different keyboard with the same exact results. Unless someone can help me out, I may have to reinstall my operating system again.

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        • @aharmlesskitten

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        Jeez man, well i would give some advice but saddly i have none for the problem your experiencing. sorry about your problem and good luck to you!

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          • @xxshadowmanxx28

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          i got nothing

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            • @holmar
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            Hope you’ll be back soon tho

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              • @drleonsisk

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              Me neither, you’ve really had a severe case of bad luck lately. As holmar said, you shan’t be gone long.

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                • @shifty

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                Hah… Problem solved. My wireless mouse/keyboard combo has one USB reciever as part of the set, and I have been using a different keyboard while the wireless sits in my closet. Apparently the wireless keyboard in the closet had turned on, and something was pressing against the right arrow key.

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                  • @mr-goose

                    No Achievements Yet!

                  Sounds like a fun find.

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