Reguest for a map taken off

Forums Main Map Requests Reguest for a map taken off

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      • @zoeyz

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      I would like zpo_church_skittles_v3_d taken off. One some textures are missing. that purple and black texture realy bug me. Two The map is broken.. The rounds can be 1 secound to never ending. I feel the map being on so long with give zombies fusration and the survivors bordom. Three the survivors have enough supplies to live forever. If they have a good enough teamwork it might be possible. Fourth the doors and windows ( depending on the house) take way too long to break. At the gen the bars take forever and the bars are not connected. you have to bring each bar by their selfs. My last compalint it the church main door. This is a small complaint but it bugs me that the door blows up after you brake it. if you are helping a fellow zombie or survivor brake it and it kills both of you or just your freind and you took the last swing it counts as a tk. I would like it removed untill the fixed version is made (if it ever is). Thank yuo for reading

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        • @tabajara

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        + Support you Taco, that map is broken without timelimit rounds.

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          • @mr-goose

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          I don’t mind the map. It’s kinda funny to see it glitching out. (For me). If you feel strongly about it being removed, then have at it.,

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            • @xparadusx

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            I agree. In fact I was about to make a post about this. Everytime this map is chosen Im always kicked because is says that it can’t download the map, which means im out of the server until they decide to choose a new map : P

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              • @marrow

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              The map needs to be removed, regardless of how “funny” it is, for the simple reason that it is BROKEN. The rounds do not end without every single one of the survivors meeting a gruesome death at the hands of themselves, a fellow survivor, or the zombies. There is no helicopter that comes to rescue them, there is no pathway to escape that opens up. The survivors are trapped in the small, square shaped arena of death until every single one of them bites the dust in one form or another. Until the mapmaker gets off his lazy ass and makes a way for survivors to win, this map will continue killing the server population and sapping the fun out of every round played on it.

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                • @wickk

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                The mapmaker isn’t lazy, she just doesn’t know how to work custom textures and timers. I fixed the textures in the church but I don’t know anything about timers. I agree that this map should be removed but only because of the timer not working properly.

                Ps, The textures that aren’t working properly are the ones that weren’t given to me to put in the map.

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                  • @mr-goose

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                  I see. Have at it then! I no care!

                  CPT QuaG
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                    • @cpt-quag
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                    The map has been temporarily removed until Taba can make updates to the map and add a timer. 

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                      • @matt

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                      Thanks Quag!

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                        • @tabajara

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                        Let’s see what i can do.

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                          • @tabajara

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                          Well the problem is : i don’t have her textures… so i can only fix the timer and some breakable doors.

                          CPT QuaG
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                            • @cpt-quag
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                            You will have the textures soon.  Wickk is gettig them uploaded to me. 

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                              • @tabajara

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                              Map Edited. Sending to BSP and to Quag.

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                                • @tabajara

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                                Ok guys, the new church will be ready tomorrow.

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