HLstatsX problem

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  • #29323
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      • @boostbuddy

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      Has anyone else noticed HLstatsX isnt very accurate when reporting time spent on the server? I do a lot of sitting (seeding) when no one is on, and none of it gets reported. I dont even show up as a player when looking at the “currently online” section on HLstatsX. This happens even when there are other people on. Other people show up, but I dont 🙁

      If you look at my Steam account, you see I’ve logged 72 hours in two weeks (all of which were on MMNB). But when you look me up on HLstatsX, I only have about 30 hours logged?? 🙁 Help?

      Zombie Gaming
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        It is possible that playtime is only tracked when there are two or more people playing (required to have a game actually playing).  This may be the descrepency. 

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