ZPS Mall Server Map List Proposal

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    • @tabajara

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    zps_abandoned_mall_b2 : B2, old, small amount of ammo, already tired of this version.  ( High Priority )

    zps_mallofthedead_b3 : I don’t know this map, but since there’re too many mall maps should be removed a bit. ( Low Priority )

    zpo_lake_plasterd_v13fix : Old lake version, we should but a new lake map on the server. ( High Priority )

    zpo_norad_b9c : Too big map/old map that doesn’t get players to the server. ( Medium Priority )

    zpo_frozenheart_v1 : Old version, a new one is coming. Obj to ‘gas cans’ can be bugged by the zombies, lack of details and can make players lost in the map. ( High Priority )

    These should be removed.

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