Gmod server.

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    • @cpt-quag
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    Thanks Taco for speaking up . . . . . and he is right.  We are running three servers at the moment, I really dont have the bandwidth to bring on another server at this time.  Contagion will be out soon and our efforts will exclusively be spent there.  In addition, we still have mappers like Taba, Wickk and even Dr. Vodker who are continually turning out some great zps maps.  Getting bored with ZPS is like being married, it is all up to you on how exciting you make it, not by going out and finding another person to bang. Also, MMNB is still not ranked number 1 for ZPS servers.  When we get to #1, then we can start talking about retiring.  The question to all of you is, how am I helping to get MMNB there!

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