Cillian Murphy revealed that when he landed his breakthrough role in “28 Days Later,” the actor didn’t consider it a zombie movie. Murphy, a first-time Oscar nominee for his work in “Oppenheimer,” discussed the 2002 hit film at a taping of SAG-AFTRA Foundation’s Conversations program. In the nearly 90-minute conversation, recorded in December, Murphy talks about his lengthy career on stage and scr...[Read More]
Cillian Murphy revealed that when he landed his breakthrough role in “28 Days Later,” the actor didn’t consider it a zombie movie. Murphy, a first-time Oscar nominee for his work in “Oppenheimer,” discussed the 2002 hit film at a taping of SAG-AFTRA Foundation’s Conversations program. In the nearly 90-minute conversation, recorded in December, Murphy talks about his lengthy career on stage and scr...[Read More]
Once a staple at midnight movie houses, George A. Romero’s gut-chomping, genre-defining sequel to Night of the Living Dead has since all but disappeared from movie screens (as well as every other format available) so we’re thrilled to be able to bring the original uncut theatrical version back to the Toronto hordes. As the undead swarm the country, Pennsylvania radio-station employee Stephen and h...[Read More]
Call of Duty is adding The Walking Dead's Rick and Michonne as Modern Warfare III and Warzone begin season 2.Two of the zombie franchise's breakout characters will become playable characters in the military shooter game which has a famous Zombies mode, with Rick being an instant reward for Battle Pass owners from Wednesday, February 7. CoD campaign character Kate Laswell will be unlocked in the ex...[Read More]