Cillian Murphy revealed that when he landed his breakthrough role in “28 Days Later,” the actor didn’t consider it a zombie movie. Murphy, a first-time Oscar nominee for his work in “Oppenheimer,” discussed the 2002 hit film at a taping of SAG-AFTRA Foundation’s Conversations program. In the nearly 90-minute conversation, recorded in December, Murphy talks about his lengthy career on stage and scr...[Read More]
So, Rick and Michonne are back. Where did they go in the first place, you ask? Great question! Let’s assume you’re a lapsed Walking Dead viewer who wants to hop into The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live, AMC’s limited series that reunites Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira for the first time since their characters departed the flagship show in 2018 and 2020, respectively. Good news: you don’t ne...[Read More]
Richonne rises in ‘The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live’ starring Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira – Skip to content This post was originally published on this site
So, Rick and Michonne are back. Where did they go in the first place, you ask? Great question! Let’s assume you’re a lapsed Walking Dead viewer who wants to hop into The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live, AMC’s limited series that reunites Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira for the first time since their characters departed the flagship show in 2018 and 2020, respectively. Good news: you don’t ne...[Read More]