The War Z Now Called Infestation

Forums Game Forums Infestation: The New Z The War Z Now Called Infestation

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  • #30923
    CPT QuaG
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      The War Z (which our community is a part of) appears to be in trademark dispute with World War Z, book and movie as created by Max Brooks.  More information as reported on IGN can be read here.  Their new website is:


      Hammerpoint Interactive released the following email today to their player community:


      Effective today, The War Z has changed its name to Infestation: SurvivorStories. This change has come about primarily as a result of some confusion and trademark issues with a similarly titled property. While we were reluctant to rename the game so long after launch, especially with nearly 1 millionregistered players, it was ultimately decided to be in the best interest of ourexisting community as well as future players in order to eliminate confusion. Please rest assured that this will in NO WAY affect you as players. The only difference you will see is the change in logo and website. There will be nointerruption of service or change in content.

      So, welcome to Infestation: Survivor Stories – have fun and stay alive!


      What are your thoughts?

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        • @aharmlesskitten

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        Seems Marc forster (director of World war Z) was worried that he would make people think that The war z was their game, and he did not want people to buy it. he wants people to buy his own version of the game when is comes out, so as not too cause confusion with names and loose money.

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          • @zoeyz

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          I like the name “Infestation” better than “The WarZ”. IMO it sounds much better

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