Queens of the Dead: George A. Romero’s daughter Tina Romero is making a zombie movie – imdb

Queens of the Dead: George A. Romero’s daughter Tina Romero is making a zombie movie – imdb

Back in 1968, George A. Romero made his feature directorial debut with one of the greatest horror movies ever made, Night of the Living Dead – and while doing so, he also introduced the world to flesh-eating ghouls that became a new definition for the world “zombie.” Romero, who passed away in 2017, went on to make several more zombie movies over the decades. Now his daughter Tina Romero is set to make her own feature directorial debut – and, fittingly, her first movie is a zombie movie. The title: Queens of the Dead.

Tina Romero told Fangoria, “My dad’s zombies were always reflecting what was going on in the world, and I almost feel a responsibility to take the torch and keep the Romero zombie alive, upholding, respecting, paying homage to it, while also introducing myself and my own voice as a filmmaker, and my own perspective. Which is different from his.

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