Check out this First-Person Zombie Co-Op Shooter set in WW2 –

Check out this First-Person Zombie Co-Op Shooter set in WW2 –

The experience of fighting alone differs greatly from fighting in a team. That’s why you have the option to team up with other survivors in an exciting 4-player co-op mode. The game revolves around a blueprint crafting system, enabling you to build everything from weapons to structures.

Meanwhile, you can seek refuge from the island’s threats at the customizable Home Base, which also serves as a hub for character upgrades, weapon crafting, and side missions. However, remember to return safely to the Hideout after gathering loot, as items will be lost if you, unfortunately, die.

The developer has shared some screenshots of the in-game weapons and zombies, as well as a comparison of how the game footage has evolved over the years: 

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