80s Sci-Fi Horror Comedy Gem Combines Aliens And Zombies, Stream Now Without Netflix – Giant Freakin Robot

80s Sci-Fi Horror Comedy Gem Combines Aliens And Zombies, Stream Now Without Netflix – Giant Freakin Robot

The level of acting expected in this type of production is fairly low, but the performances in Alien Dead place that bar directly on the ground. But even films with the worst acting can still make for a fun watch if there are interesting storylines, intriguing characters, and passable cinematography. Alien Dead lacks these attributes, too, and drops the film into a category that only the most die-hard “bad” movie fans will give it a look and last the entire run time.

Alien Dead fails to bring anything new to the table as a zombie film as it just follows a bunch of infected humans instinctively attacking and eating anyone that makes their presence known. Even the cause of the zombification, a meteorite, lacks originality as a plague that originates outside of our planet has been tried before and with better success.

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