Sdcc 2015: A tale of two zombie films – imdb

Sdcc 2015: A tale of two zombie films – imdb

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that audiences who enjoy zombie movies must be in want of more zombie movies. However, the trick is finding new ways to invent the zombie genre. Screen Gems recently wrapped up two films that promise to change the way we think of zombies.

Considered a relatively small panel by those around me, no expected much out of Screen Gems. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (Ppz) sounded like it was going to be a campy horror film, and the moderator simply called Patient Zero “interesting.” There were whispers floating in the air about both movies. No one knew how to feel until the cast was announced and the trailer for Ppz was shown on screen.

There is something extremely satisfying about seeing Elizabeth Bennet practicing martial arts with her sisters and swinging a sword. Zombies in this version of London are called the “sorry stricken…

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