To B or not to B — that was the question with which Sunday’s second episode of The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live left Michonne.
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If you’ve already watched or read TVLine’s recap (here it is), you know that no sooner had star-crossed lovers Michonne and Rick been reunited than dire circumstances prompted him to beg her to pretend to be a type B in front of the CRM. In other words, he wanted her to play a hapless sheep rather than the badass shepherd that she is. Erm, how’s that going to fly?
“What do you think?” Gurira tells TVLine with a laugh. “Let’s see how far that goes.”
Though Michonne is to the marrow an A, her portrayer appreciated the opportunity to cast her character against type. “It was fun to explore that idea for her,” she says, “and to see how hard that was going to be.”
Fans of the mothership certainly got a kick out of it when Melissa McBride turned Carol into a cookie-baking Carol Brady upon first arriving in Alexandria. The key to Michonne’s act, Gurira says, is that “she’s too smart to not do it entirely. When she chooses to get out of [that B act], sometimes it might be in error and sometimes it might be a choice. So we’ll see how it goes.” (With reporting by Matt Webb Mitovich)
Are you looking forward to finding out how Michonne does as a “B player”? Hit the comments.