The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live is the franchise’s seventh show, featuring iconic characters Rick Grimes and Michonne from the main show. Watching The Walking Dead seasons 1 to 10 (until the thirteenth episode) and World Beyond’s two seasons will provide valuable background information for the spinoff. The other spinoffs in The Walking Dead franchise are optional, as they do not have significant connections to Rick and Michonne’s spinoff.
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live is the franchise’s seventh show, so there are a few previous installments that would be best to see before viewing Rick and Michonne’s spinoff. The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live‘s cast includes the return of the main show’s iconic Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) and Michonne (Danai Gurira). As with other spinoffs in the franchise, crossover characters indicate likely overlap between story details and arcs established prior to The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live‘s events.