Death Road to Canada
Developer: Madgarden
Publisher: RocketCat Games
Available on: iOS + Android
Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG
A sharp dungeon crawler with a neat zombie twist, Death Road to Canada has way more charm and brains than your average undead blaster. It is all about party management and (tough) decision-making since you need to come up with the best plan to get to… Canada!
It was designed to be as replayable as possible, as each run is randomly generated. If you’re looking for a compelling adventure zombie shooting game, to play for a long time, this is as good as it gets!
Plants vs Zombies
Developer: PopCap Games
Publisher: PopCap Games
Available on: iOS + Android + DS + DSi + PS Vita + Xperia Play + Steam
Genre: Strategy, Tower defence

Plants vs Zombies is one of the key titles in the rise of the tower defence genre – although technically it’s a lane defence game. It’s worth noting that it has been around for a considerable while, and it’s as good as ever. There’s also Plants vs Zombies 2, which is the sequel that has a lot more challenging content than the first.
We’ve covered them plenty in the past, but if you haven’t played any of them yet, then you can dive in anytime. There are plenty of events and PvZ feels like it celebrates Halloween every day!
Organ Trail: Director’s Cut
Developer: The Men Who Wear Many Hats
Publisher: The Men Who Wear Many Hats
Available on: iOS + Android
Genre: Adventure, Retro, Shooter, Simulation

Organ Trail: Director’s Cut is a survival horror adventure with a gleefully twisted sense of humour. Indeed, the whole thing exists as a grim parody of the popular educational game The Oregon Trail, but Organ Trail takes it to the next level. It is fun, filled with zombies and pixelated – just what one might expect from a brilliant old-school zombie game for Android.
If zombies and odd humour are something that you like in your games, then make sure you give this one a try.
Into the Dead 2
The sequel to PokPok’s eerie first-person auto-runner Into the Dead received a much more action-focused sequel in the form of Into the Dead 2. Despite the increased firepower, Into the Dead 2 remains a highly atmospheric zombie game that is hard not to fall in love with.
If you played the first Into the Dead or even 7 Days to Die and you liked them, chances are you’ll love this pick. It’s a great mobile title from every point of view.
Stupid Zombies 3
It might not sound like much, but Stupid Zombies 3 is actually so much fun and filled to the brim with so much zombie brain-mashing that it’s not even funny. There are plenty of levels to dive into (over 200 to be somewhat precise) and you always need to come up with the best strategy to maximize your gains. With only four weapons to pick from, some of you might think it’s not enough. However, the physics and bouncing of bullets are exciting, which evens out the lack of options.
The Walking Dead: The Game
Telltale’s Walking Dead games are all about making tough decisions that have brutally meaningful narrative consequences. In other words, a whole lot of major characters get munched by zombies. Not your standard Android zombie game where pieces of flesh keep getting torn away and that’s it.
There are also several seasons (or episodes, if you may) and even TWD: Michonne – so, if you can never get enough of this juicy zombie series, you’ll love this.
Flat Zombies
Flat Zombies is a shooter with a rather simple premise and controls. Although, the graphics aren’t something that you’ll talk to your friends about. Then why did it get here, some of you might ask? Well, it will release a lot of frustration through your fingers. We mentioned that the premise is simple, so let’s talk about that.
It’s a side-scrolling shooter where hordes of zombies will come at you and you’ll have to shoot them and push them away. Now the interesting part is that there’s a lot of carnage on the screen, blood splatters everywhere, and you can, for example, knock the zombies’ legs off and they will keep crawling towards you. Absolutely brutal, so it’s not a title that we would recommend to kids.
Download Flat Zombies
If you are looking for a massive world, full of strangers, to help you fight off hordes of undead, Undawn is the place to go! The outside of your stronghold is surrounded by zombies, all looking to get in and destroy anyone in their path. You and your friends need to decide who will build up the camp, who’s going to go gather, and who will be guarding and fighting off any undead. As it’s an MMO, there was a large focus on the social elements, allowing you to work together with strangers and friends, level up weapons, and help each other survive.
Dead Ahead
Developer: Mobirate
Publisher: Chillingo
Available on: iOS + Android
Genre: Action, Arcade, Endless running

A pixelated fun little game that takes the name of Dead Ahead can only mean one thing – there are plenty of zombies in front of you, and your goal is to crush them all. Sure enough, rummaging through hordes of the undead is super fun when you’re at the wheel of a bloodstained school bus!
It’s an extremely fun title if you like the adventure and strategy genres, and given its neat 8-bit approach, Dead Ahead feels just right. We even have some beginner tips to help you out!
This autoplay zombie roguelite has taken the hearts of many fans of autoshooters like Vampire Survivors. There are a few differences, but it plays the same for the most part. It’s not as simplistic-look as Vampire Survivors with its early ’90s vibe. Instead, this one has cartoonish graphics and it’s very flashy. Other than that, you’ll just move your character that’s going to destroy waves of different enemies with various weapons. Each time you get enough experience you’ll get to upgrade another weapon, or rather ability and there are several ways to evolve them.
Our Survivor.io tips will be of great assistance in case you’d like to try out this survival roguelite.
Mad Zombies
A dangerous journey awaits you, so you need to equip the car with everything you need. Try to drive the maximum possible distance, shooting the walking dead.
You also need to get away from the killer worm that will follow you around. Gradually, it will be possible to upgrade various elements of the car (wheels, motor, and so on.), which will require coins. It is also important to accumulate the energy that you need to bypass all enemies. If you successfully complete the levels, you can get a lot of valuable rewards and achievements.
Dawn of Zombies: The Survival
The next one on the list is a simulator where you have to survive in a world full of disease, hunger, radiation, and dangerous zombies. If you want to stay alive in Dawn of Zombies, be sure to craft the most powerful weapon and armour. Indeed, there are more than 150 blueprints of different useful items that will be helpful in a post-apocalyptic world.
One of the best things about Dawn of Zombies: Survival is a world that feels genuinely dynamic and alive. It is a game with varied gameplay, epic boss fights, an exciting story, trade, and many interesting events.
Developer: Toge Productions
Publisher: Armor Games
Available on: iOS + Android
Genre: Casual, Strategy

In casual strategy experience Infectonator, you are the zombie plague-bringer. It’s your gruesome task to ravage cities with brain munchers. And while this is the original, there’s also a sequel (actually a third part – Infectonator 3: Apocalypse) which is arguably just as good, if not better.
It’s up to you to decide how you want to fight your way through this pixelated Android zombie game, so pick it up and start right now! It’s worth it!
The Walking Dead: No Man’s Land
A decent strategy game based on the most popular zombie TV show ever made, and another TWD title to make an appearance on this list. No Man’s Land lets you build up your very own post-apocalyptic community, under the tutelage of Daryl himself.
Just like we mentioned with the previous ones, and will continue to do so with any more The Walking Dead features on this list (which spoiler – there will be more), it’s a must-play if you love the show and comics.
Plants vs. Zombies Heroes
Plants vs Zombies Heroes bravely messes with the lane defence genre of the original, throwing in a little Clash Royale instead and it works well. PvZ Heroes is fairly similar to the original in the sense that you have the same plants (and mandatory zombies) we know and love, but it’s arguably less eventful than Plants vs Zombies 2.
The gameplay is pretty slow especially when comparing it to Clash Royale, but if you don’t mind that, then it is a fantastic zombie game to play any day.
Zombicide: Tactics & Shotguns
No, we didn’t just make up a word based on ‘genocide’, it’s the developers that did that. Zombicide: Tactics & Shotguns is not particularly involved or deep, but this board game conversion provides a healthy dose of light tactical RPG action featuring a bunch of brain-munching zombies.
We even have a Zombicide: Tactics & Shotguns review if you’re interested in reading further, so make sure to check it out. It might just be what you’ve been looking for!
Puzzles & Survival
Puzzles & Survival is another Android zombie game that takes match-three and mashes it with zombies and strategy. Sounds fun? Well, it’s even better once you start playing it. It’s extremely addictive, and if you know a thing or two about match threes, then you’re probably aware of the fact that they can get difficult fast.
Oh, and in case it has got your attention, and you want a solid headstart, use these Puzzles & Survival codes – they will get you valuable freebies!
Dead Trigger 2
Developer: Madfinger Games
Publisher: Madfinger Games
Available on: iOS + Android
Genre: Action, Shooter

Dead Trigger 2 is a relentless and technically impressive FPS with lots of bite-sized levels to tackle. The game looks amazing actually, and the realistic physics and mechanics make it that much more interesting. If you’re not into fast-paced zombie shooters – or shooters in general, for that matter – then chances are you will enjoy Dead Trigger 2 for the sheer fact that it’s extremely smooth and rather forgiving. For that alone, it’s one of our favourites and probably one of the best zombie games for Android phones and tablets.
War of the Zombie
Developer: Van der Veer Games
Publisher: Van der Veer Games
Available on: iOS
Genre: Shooter, Strategy

War of the Zombie could basically be described as XCOM with zombies but from a more zoomed-out and top-down perspective.
It is highly strategic, and with a fairly realistic approach that makes it enjoyable to all strategists and tacticians. The one downside to War of the Zombie would be its fairly cliche-ish narrative (or the essence of the game, if you may), but if you can see past that, then you’ve got a brilliant strategy zombie game.
Zombie Catchers
Looking past pixelated and realistic graphics, we’ve got something a tad more lighthearted, but with no less impressive gameplay. Another title that understands how silly and darkly funny zombies can be, Zombie Catchers is an action-platformer that has you harpooning zombies and feeding them to unwitting punters.
It’s casual, it’s fun, and it’s fantastic if you want simple fun that won’t require you to have a diploma in zombie killing. Give it a try!
Guns ‘n’ Glory Zombies
The popular Guns ‘n’ Glory tower defence series gets an undead twist, as you take control of four gung-ho girls fighting back a zombie outbreak. One could argue that it’s better than the original, but that’s up to you to decide. We stand by our choice, which is that it looks and plays great, and the zombie aspect is just a plus.
Note that it has a vivid palette of colours, and the artwork is pretty cartoonish, so it’s pretty safe even for your kid. Especially since you can hide all of the paying options behind a password so they can’t make any random purchases.
Yet more first-person zombie shooting from the Dead Trigger developer, Unkilled still has you legging it around small maps blasting the undead in first person. That’s fine by us, but if you’re into something more laid-back, you can shift your attention to a previously mentioned title in the list, Dead Trigger 2.
Otherwise, Unkilled is fun and fast, and the zombies are as unforgiving as ever. After all, they still want your brains.
The Walking Dead: Survivors
The Walking Dead: Survivors is yet another base builder, but one which sees you expanding your post-apocalyptic shelter in the company of (very) famous and beloved characters from the show. It even has some gacha involved to let you recruit Darryl, Michonne, Glenn and everybody else.
It’s fantastic and it looks great – that’s not enough to make it one of the top zombie games for mobile of all time though, so we’ll add in the fantastic aspect of the gameplay too. That should do it. Oh, and let’s not forget our The Walking Dead: Survivors codes – that’s more like it.
State of Survival
State of Survival is probably one of the best zombie games ever created. Period. It also has some of the weirdest ads of the bunch, but we’ll set that aside for now. In terms of gameplay, it combines zombie battles with classical base development and much more. It can become addictive fairly quickly – at least, until your HQ requires a day to complete the upgrade.
In the meantime, you can check our State of Survival redeem codes and even a guide on which heroes to pick for each game mode! Both will be of major assistance to a new player.
Zombie Gunship Survival
We haven’t had one of these on this list, so how about leaving the ground to the zombies in favour of something a lot safer – the air? Blasting zombies from the comfort of an AC-130 gunship sounds like a lot of fun – and it is. But Zombie Gunship Survival also stirs in base-building elements for an extra edge.
It’s a fantastic title that has realistic graphics, and physics and it’s well worth trying out if you want an astounding zombie frolic.
With this, our list of the best Android zombie games is concluded. Did we miss out on any of the brain-eating spectacles that you are aware of? Let us know in the comments below!