Twilight of the Dead: George A. Romero zombie project may begin filming this year – imdb

Twilight of the Dead: George A. Romero zombie project may begin filming this year – imdb

After the release of Day of the Dead in 1985, twenty years went by without George A. Romero being able to get another zombie movie into production, even though he was very open about the fact that he had an idea for another one. During that time, a lot of fans expected the next movie to be called Twilight of the Dead, following the progression of the titles Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, and Day of the Dead. But when Romero did make a fourth zombie movie, he threw a titular curveball and called it Land of the Dead. That was followed by Diary of the Dead and Survival of the Dead. Now it looks like Twilight of the Dead is going to happen after all – and might even begin filming before the end of this year!

Deadline reports that Roundtable Entertainment will be providing the funding for Twilight of the Dead,…

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